ZKM Project Template
A template for creating ZKM projects that generate EVM-compatible proofs and on-chain verification contracts.
Proving Options
There are two ways to prove the guest program:
- Use your local machine
- Use ZKM proof network
Template Code Structure
The SDK has a libary(libsnark) which supports local proving. If the libsnark is required, please specify the features = ["snark"] in your Cargo.toml. To disable libsnark, set the environment variable NO_USE_SNARK to true when compiling the SDK.
├── Cargo.toml
├── Makefile
├── README.md
├── assets
│ └── temp-run-diagram.png
├── clippy.toml
├── contracts //Use Foundry to manage the verifier contract
│ ├── README.md
│ ├── foundry.toml
│ //...
├── guest-program //Include Go and Rust examples
│ ├── README.md
│ ├── mem-alloc-vec
│ ├── sha2-go
│ └── sha2-rust
├── host-program //Generate the proof and verifier contracts for the guest programs
│ ├── mem-alloc-vec
│ │ ├── Cargo.toml
│ │ ├── run-proving.sh
│ │ └── src
│ │ └── main.rs
│ ├── revme
│ │ ├── Cargo.toml
│ │ ├── run-proving.sh
│ │ └── src
│ │ └── main.rs
│ ├── sha2-go
│ │ ├── Cargo.toml
│ │ ├── run-proving.sh
│ │ └── src
│ │ └── main.rs
│ ├── sha2-rust
│ │ ├── Cargo.toml
│ │ ├── run-proving.sh
│ │ └── src
│ │ └── main.rs
├── install_mips_rust_tool
├── rust-toolchain.toml
├── sdk //Support proof network and local proof
├── Cargo.toml
├── build.rs
└── src
├── lib.rs
├── local //Generate the proof locally using the libsnark library.
├── network //Generate the proof using ZKM Proof Network.
├── proto
│ └── stage.proto
└── prover.rs //interface
Local Proving Requirements
- Hardware: X86_64 CPU, 32 cores, 13GB memory (minimum)
- OS: Linux
- Rust: 1.81.0-nightly
- Go : 1.22.1
- Set up a local node for some blockchain(eg, sepolia)
Network Proving Requirements
- Hardware: X86_64 CPU, 8 cores, 8G memory
- OS: Linux
- Rust: 1.81.0-nightly
- Go : 1.22.1
- CA certificate: ca.pem, ca.key
- Register (opens in a new tab) your address to use
- RPC for a blockchain (eg, sepolia)
All actions are assumed to be from the base directory
Running the Project
0. Download the Repository
git clone https://github.com/zkMIPS/zkm-project-template.git
1. Build the Guest Program ELF
Please refer to this (opens in a new tab) guide.
2. Build the Host Program
cd zkm-project-template
sdk/src/local/libsnark/compile.sh # compile snark library
cargo build --release # build host programs
If successfully, it will generate the binary files in target/release
containing: sha2-rust
, sha2-go
, revme
, and mem-alloc-vec
You can run the guest program without generating a proof by setting the environmental variable
to "true". See issue #152 (opens in a new tab)
3. Generate Groth16 Proof and Verifier Contract
- There is a script program available: run_proving.sh. The script facilitates the generation of proofs on the local machine and over the proof network.
- There are four guest programs (sha2-rust, sha2-go, mem-alloc-vec, revme). The following will use sha2-rust and revme as an example to demonstrate local and network proofs.
- If the environmental variable
is not set, the proof results file will be saved in zkm-project-template/contracts/src and contracts/verifier. If the environmental variablePROOF_RESULTS_PATH
is set, after the proof is completed, the proof results file needs to be copied from 'PROOF_RESULTS_PATH/src' and 'PROOF_RESULTS_PATH/verifier' to the corresponding zkm-project-template/contracts/src and contracts/verifier directories.
- The environment variable
specifies the location of the verification key (vk). If this variable is not set to zkm-project-template/contracts/src, you should copy theVERIFYING_KEY_PATH/verifier.sol
to zkm-project-template/contracts/src/ after executing the host program.
- The environment variable
is set to "true", it will generate the proof key (pk), the verification key (vk) and the verifier contract and store them at the path indicated byVERIFYING_KEY_PATH
. Then, theSETUP_FLAG
should be set to "false", next executing the host will generate the snark proof using the same pk and vk.
The environmental variable
in the run-xxx_proving.sh affects the final proof generation.
The guest program's ELF and its input are split into segments based on cycle count, according to SEG_SIZE.
When generating proofs on the local machine, if the log shows "[the seg_num is:1]", please reduce SEG_SIZE or increase the input. If generating proofs through the proof network, SEG_SIZE must be within the range [65536, 262144].
Example 1: sha2-rust
This host program sends the private input pri_input = vec![5u8; 1024] and its hash (hash(pri_input)) to the guest program for verification of the hash value.
Local Proving
Make any edits to run-proving.sh
and run the program:
cd zkm-project-template/host-program/sha2-rust
./run-proving.sh sha2-rust
If successful, it will output a similar log:
[2024-11-23T13:12:33Z INFO sha2_rust] new prover client,ok.
[2024-11-23T13:12:33Z INFO zkm_sdk] excuting the setup.
[2024-11-23T13:12:33Z INFO zkm_emulator::utils] Split done 66446 : 89443
[2024-11-23T13:21:05Z INFO zkm_sdk::local::stark] [the seg_num is:2 ]
[2024-11-23T13:21:55Z INFO zkm_sdk::local::util] Process segment /mnt/data/gavin/zkm-project-template/host-program/sha2-rust/../test-vectors/input/segments/0
[2024-11-23T13:21:59Z INFO zkm_prover::cpu::bootstrap_kernel] Bootstrapping took 3228 cycles
[2024-11-23T13:21:59Z INFO zkm_prover::generation] CPU halted after 64762 cycles
[2024-11-23T13:21:59Z INFO zkm_prover::generation] CPU trace padded to 65536 cycles
[2024-11-23T13:21:59Z INFO zkm_prover::generation] Trace lengths (before padding): TraceCheckpoint { arithmetic_len: 18057, cpu_len: 65536, poseidon_len: 3227, poseidon_sponge_len: 3227, logic_len: 15372, memory_len: 390244 }
[2024-11-23T13:22:14Z INFO plonky2::util::timing] 19.1346s to prove root first
[2024-11-23T13:22:15Z INFO zkm_sdk::local::util] Process segment /mnt/data/gavin/zkm-project-template/host-program/sha2-rust/../test-vectors/input/segments/1
[2024-11-23T13:22:18Z INFO zkm_prover::cpu::bootstrap_kernel] Bootstrapping took 2583 cycles
[2024-11-23T13:22:18Z INFO zkm_prover::generation] CPU halted after 7530 cycles
[2024-11-23T13:22:18Z INFO zkm_prover::generation] CPU trace padded to 8192 cycles
[2024-11-23T13:22:18Z INFO zkm_prover::generation] Trace lengths (before padding): TraceCheckpoint { arithmetic_len: 1511, cpu_len: 8192, poseidon_len: 2582, poseidon_sponge_len: 2582, logic_len: 1157, memory_len: 123358 }
[2024-11-23T13:22:29Z INFO plonky2::util::timing] 14.4273s to prove root second
[2024-11-23T13:22:30Z INFO plonky2::util::timing] 1.3184s to prove aggression
[2024-11-23T13:22:32Z INFO zkm_sdk::local::util] proof size: 413003
[2024-11-23T13:22:38Z INFO zkm_sdk::local::util] build finish
[2024-11-23T13:22:45Z INFO plonky2x::backend::wrapper::wrap] Succesfully wrote common circuit data to common_circuit_data.json
[2024-11-23T13:22:45Z INFO plonky2x::backend::wrapper::wrap] Succesfully wrote verifier data to verifier_only_circuit_data.json
[2024-11-23T13:22:45Z INFO plonky2x::backend::wrapper::wrap] Succesfully wrote proof to proof_with_public_inputs.json
[2024-11-23T13:22:45Z INFO plonky2::util::timing] 99.1857s to prove total time
Generating witness 2024-11-23 13:24:17.684495304 +0000 UTC m=+703.805549132
frontend.NewWitness cost time: 143 ms
Creating proof 2024-11-23 13:24:17.828400392 +0000 UTC m=+703.949454200
13:24:23 DBG constraint system solver done nbConstraints=5815132 took=5606.081295
13:24:30 DBG prover done acceleration=none backend=groth16 curve=bn254 nbConstraints=5815132 took=7527.912415
groth16.Prove cost time: 13134 ms
Verifying proof 2024-11-23 13:24:30.962722326 +0000 UTC m=+717.083776144
13:24:30 DBG verifier done backend=groth16 curve=bn254 took=1.441281
groth16.Verify cost time: 1 ms
before len of publicWitness:1
after len of publicWitness:2
13:24:30 DBG verifier done backend=groth16 curve=bn254 took=1.288129
[2024-11-23T13:24:30Z INFO sha2_rust] Proof: successfully written 1268 bytes.
[2024-11-23T13:24:30Z INFO sha2_rust] hash(bincode(pulic_input))1: [197, 85, 237, 192, 203, 240, 69, 67, 7, 62, 23, 5, 10, 112, 210, 80, 40, 245, 196, 9, 255, 152, 190, 127, 32, 148, 73, 249, 212, 64, 168, 103]
[2024-11-23T13:24:30Z INFO sha2_rust] Contract: successfully written 12961 bytes.
[2024-11-23T13:24:30Z INFO sha2_rust] Generating proof successfully. The proof file and verifier contract are in the path zkm-project-template/host-program/sha2-rust/../../contracts/src and contracts/verifier.
[2024-11-23T13:24:30Z INFO sha2_rust] Elapsed time: 205 secs
The result proof and contract files will be in the contracts/verifier and contracts/src directories respectively.
Network Proving
The proving network may sometimes experience high traffic, causing proof tasks to be queued for hours.
The proving task requires several stages: queuing, splitting, proving, aggregating and finalizing. Each stage involves a varying duration.
Must set the PRIVATE_KEY
and ZKM_PROVER=network
in run-proving.sh
and run the program:
./run-proving.sh sha2-rust
If successful, it will output a similar log:
[2024-11-23T10:13:04Z INFO sha2_rust] new prover client.
[2024-11-23T10:13:05Z INFO sha2_rust] new prover client,ok.
[2024-11-23T10:13:05Z INFO zkm_sdk::network::prover] calling request_proof.
[2024-11-23T10:13:08Z INFO zkm_sdk::network::prover] calling wait_proof, proof_id=31134979-8e99-4de6-988c-46211df28c80
[2024-11-23T10:13:08Z INFO zkm_sdk::network::prover] generate_proof : proving the task.
[2024-11-23T10:13:38Z INFO zkm_sdk::network::prover] generate_proof : finalizing the proof.
[2024-11-23T10:14:11Z INFO sha2_rust] Proof: successfully written 1263 bytes.
[2024-11-23T10:14:11Z INFO sha2_rust] hash(bincode(pulic_input))1: [197, 85, 237, 192, 203, 240, 69, 67, 7, 62, 23, 5, 10, 112, 210, 80, 40, 245, 196, 9, 255, 152, 190, 127, 32, 148, 73, 249, 212, 64, 168, 103]
[2024-11-23T10:14:11Z INFO sha2_rust] Contract: successfully written 12960 bytes.
[2024-11-23T10:14:11Z INFO sha2_rust] Generating proof successfully. The proof file and verifier contract are in the path zkm-project-template/host-program/sha2-rust/../../contracts/src and contracts/verifier.
[2024-11-23T10:14:11Z INFO sha2_rust] Elapsed time: 66 secs
The result proof and contract files will be in the contracts/verifier and contracts/src directories.
4. Deploy the Verifier Contract
If your system does not has Foundry, please install it:
curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash
Verify the SNARK proof generated in step 3
cd zkm-project-template/contracts
forge test
If successful, it will output a similar log:
[⠊] Compiling...
No files changed, compilation skipped
Ran 2 tests for test/verifier.t.sol:VerifierTest
[PASS] test_ValidProof() (gas: 287072)
[PASS] test_ValidPublicInputs() (gas: 67184)
Suite result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 8.51ms (8.64ms CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 9.28ms (8.51ms CPU time): 2 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (2 total tests)
Deploy the contract generated in step 3
Please edit the following parameters according your aim blockchain.
forge script script/verifier.s.sol:VerifierScript --rpc-url https://eth-sepolia.g.alchemy.com/v2/RH793ZL_pQkZb7KttcWcTlOjPrN0BjOW --private-key df4bc5647fdb9600ceb4943d4adff3749956a8512e5707716357b13d5ee687d9
If successful, it will output a similar log:
[⠊] Compiling...
[⠘] Compiling 2 files with Solc 0.8.26
[⠊] Solc 0.8.26 finished in 699.26ms
Compiler run successful!
Script ran successfully.
## Setting up 1 EVM.
Chain 11155111
Estimated gas price: 0.000035894 gwei
Estimated total gas used for script: 1228147
Estimated amount required: 0.000000044083108418 ETH
SIMULATION COMPLETE. To broadcast these transactions, add --broadcast and wallet configuration(s) to the previous command. See forge script --help for more.
Transactions saved to: /mnt/data/zkm-project-template/contracts/broadcast/verifier.s.sol/11155111/dry-run/run-latest.json
Sensitive values saved to: /mnt/data/zkm-project-template/contracts/cache/verifier.s.sol/11155111/dry-run/run-latest.json
For more details, please refer to this guide.
Example 2 : revme
The revme guest program takes a block data as input and its running is as same as the sha2-rust. Here, the focus is on explaining how to generate block data(the revme's input).
Generate Public Input for a Specific Block
The local node connects ZKM test chain in the following example. You must use the Eth-Compatible local node.
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/zkMIPS/revme
cd revme
RPC_URL=http://localhost:8545 CHAIN_ID=1337 BLOCK_NO=244 RUST_LOG=debug SUITE_JSON_PATH=./test-vectors/244.json cargo run --example process
If successfully, it will generate 244.json
in the path test-vectors
cp test-vectors/244.json zkm-project-template/host-program/test-vectors/
Next, you need to edit the JSON_PATH
variable in the run-proving.sh
to match the name of the JSON file mentioned above.
Then, you can execute the run-proving.sh by following the steps outlined in Example 1: sha2-rust